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Results for "keyword: "collaboration""
Picking Up the Pieces A Jewish-Christian plan for collaborative religious leadership.
The Silo Effect An analysis of the perils and benefits of a cultural phenomenon that is separating people and ideas.
The Piano in a Factory (Gang de qin) A mildly humorous tale set in China about a project designed to bring more beauty to a disgustingly ugly environment.
I'm Like You, You're Like Me A multicultural children's picture book that affirms and celebrates the ways we are both alike and different.
Models for Decision Making An overview of a Quaker Process for decision making.
Cowboys & Aliens A rousing action drama that mixes film genres and comes up with a winner propelled by strong performances by Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford.
A Dragon Moves In Proof that disappointments and seeming disasters can be turned around into something good.
Unlikely Partners An accessible and insightful portrait of economic wonders being wrought in China.
The Lunar Tao Taoist meditations by a sensitive connoisseur of everyday spirituality.
Sacred Ground Eboo Patel on why we need to respect religious diversity in our pluralistic society.